Monday, January 5, 2015

December 21st, A note from Fr. Walt

Waiting with Mary & Joseph 

       On this Fourth Sunday of Advent with just a few days to go before Christmas, I suspect most everyone is still very busy, as the Christmas Carol says, ‘making a list and checking it twice’.  People are busy at wrapping gifts, shopping for the last minute items for Christmas dinner and giving the house a good cleaning.  But what about the Fourth Sunday of Advent?  The gospel for today calls our attention to the event of months ago, the sudden visit of the Angel Gabriel to the young Mary of Nazareth.  As busy as we all may be, take a few minutes out of this day for some quiet reflection.  Sounds impossible?  Why?  Don’t let the sudden rush of Christmas celebration overwhelm you.  Think about those last days for Mary & Joseph as they traveled to Bethlehem to register for the census.
       I’m sure the last thing on their minds was the census, but the law was the law and the journey had to be made.  But what was the journey like for them?  For Joseph, I can picture him turning his head to look at Mary riding on the donkey.  “Are you okay, Mary?  Do you want to stop and rest?”  “No, I’m okay, let’s keep going.  It’s almost evening and we can stop and rest for the night.  Maybe tomorrow we will make it to Bethlehem.”  This kind of conversation was probably repeated in one form or another several times by these two people, each one chosen by God to have a special role in the event that would change the history of the human race.  Couldn’t God have made it a little easier for them, a little more comfortable?  Thoughts like that would never have entered their minds.  Remember what Mary said when the angel said of her, “Hail Mary, FULL OF GRACE.”  Because she was filled with the singular grace God had bestowed on her, her response to the angel’s announcement was, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.  Let it be done unto me according to your word.”
       These days were days of quiet as they made their way along the road.  And they were days of worry for Joseph, “How can I provide for her when we get to Bethlehem?  What if the child is born before I can find a suitable place for Mary and the Child?”  Yet Joseph, too, knew that the hand of God was guiding them and would protect them.  God had said to both Mary and Joseph, “Do not be afraid.”  The very special presence of the Holy Spirit was with them.  They had placed themselves at the service of God’s plan, whatever and however that plan was to be fulfilled.
       Take a little time today, no matter how busy you think you are.  Let it be some quiet time.  Pick up one of the Christmas cards you have received, maybe one with a picture of Mary and Joseph making their way to Bethlehem.  Let it speak to your heart.  Let the Lord speak to your hear.
       Oh heavens!  I forgot to send a card to great Aunt Sarah.  Will it get there before Christmas?  Oh Well, I’ll add a little note and tell her I was spending some time with Jesus, and that’s why this card is late.
       My wish for all of you is to experience the peace and love of this very special feast and may the Lord bless you with happiness and good health throughout the New Year.     

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